Love is eternal …and so are our roses

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A Dozen pink roses

Beautiful dozen pink roses. This beautiful set of pink dozen eternal roses will last over a year, no water required, low maintenance, beautifully boxed in a black round box no wrapping required.  Perfect gift, home decor, or Easter centerpiece

A Dozen Pink
Everlasting Roses, Emerald Green, Forever Roses, Preserved Roses, Roses, Gift, Home decor, interior design

Rich beautiful and elegant emerald green

Don't forget that elegant mother in your life. She will love this beautiful set of dozen everlasting roses. Roses that last up to a year.

Shop the collection

7 heavenly fuchsia hot pink roses

Beautiful set of 7 real everlasting roses in Fuchsia/ hot pink , low maintenance long lasting roses that do not need to be watered. Perfect gift or home decor 

Fuchsia Hot Pink

Beautiful dozen red roses

Show your love For that classic mom this beautiful dozen everlasting real red roses will be sure to give her all the feels

Dozen red roses


Fast delivery exactly what I wanted and more.  I am in LOVE!

Patty Beers

These roses are beautiful they came nicely packaged, they are so delicate and beautiful no one could  believe I had them for more than 6 months.  Thanks team at MCROSES for being so helpful in helping me choose.

Maria Soto

Thank you for making this non creative guy seem creative for my proposal.  She loved the roses. She said yes! 

  • Red rose is a symbol of love

  • orange of enthusiasm

  • yellow of friendship

  • white of purity

  • and pink of joy.

  • love, happiness, passion, and deep emotion

Red rose is a symbol of love

orange of enthusiasm

yellow of friendship

white of purity

and pink of joy.

love, happiness, passion, and deep emotion